Support the Holy Trinity Lenten Challenge
Holy Trinity has established a matching challenge. If we can raise $5,000
during the season of Lent, above and beyond our normal pledge giving,
this amount will be matched by a group of anonymous donors, giving us a
total of $10,000. The funds will be used to help Holy Trinity maintain
and grow its mission, by replenishing our reserves and providing a cushion
so that we will not have to draw on reserves in 2024.
Funds will be collected up to and including Easter Sunday, 2024.
You can donate in any of the following ways:
- Use one of the Lenten Challenge envelopes available in the pews and side
tables at church. They may be put in the plate or mailed to the
church office. Or use a regular envelope, providing information
that the donation is for the Lenten Challenge, along with your name
and address.
- Use your special offering envelopes for Ash Wednesday or Lent.
- Use the eGiving link. This will take you to a page where you can contribute to the Lenten Challenge.
- From your phone, access the Lenten Challenge donation page using
this QR Code.